Agente Comercial nº 22947

Pro SME Inicia


For a very low price, Pro-SME Inicia will give you access to the following:

  • All the doctors and specialists in the Sanitas network.
  • All the consultations, diagnostic tests and therapies that you need.
  • All the surgical procedures that do not require a hospital stay.
  • And if you require them you will receive very beneficial conditions.

If you decide to undergo a surgical operation that requires a stay in hospital, with Sanitas, you will only pay part of the cost of the surgery: Sanitas will pay the rest. The amount you pay towards the cost of this service is divided into three levels, depending upon the difficulty of the surgery required and the associated cost.

Level 1:           A contribution of €1000 (groups 2,3,4 according to the WTO) and hospitalisation without surgery.
Level 2:           A contribution of €2000 (groups 5 and 6 according to the WTO); caesarean and giving birth.
Level 3:           A contribution €3000 (groups 7 and 8 according to the WTO).

The best hospitals and Sanitas medical centres: with Sanitas Pro-SME Inicia:

  • You have a choice of 27,200 professional doctors and 540 Sanitas medical centres throughout Spain.
  • An ample network of national hospitals and centres ,exclusively for Sanitas clients, boasting the latest medical technology.
  • Hospital Sanitas la Moraleja, Hospital Sanitas la Zarzuela.
  • 14 Millennium multi specialist centres (3 new openings in 2011).
  • 54 dental centres and 17 new ones opened in 2011.

What is covered?

Because we are an established with many years of experience, we are prepared to understand the needs of other companies.  We have created an insurance policy that includes all major medical services at very reasonable prices:

  • Consultations, diagnostic tests, therapies and surgical procedures that do not require an overnight stay in a hospital.
  • Surgical procedures that do require hospitalisation: If you decide to undergo an operation with Sanitas you will only pay for part of that procedure, Sanitas will pay the rest.
  • Medication and dental cover: contracted as a supplement, with discounts for clients of Sanitas Pro -SME Inicia.  With the dental cover, you can choose your dentist from the large range of dentists available within the Sanitas network.  With the medication cover, the medication prescribed by a professional from Sanitas will be reimbursed up to the limit stipulated in the policy.
  • With this cover you will receive the best professional medical help available, the latest medical technology and the most modern medical facilities in Spain.


Sanitas Pro-SME offers you:

  • A Personalised plan: we will create a personalised profile detailing each of your employees´ premiums, adapted to the characteristics of your business, plus a flexible way to contract the policy.
  • Your spouse and children can be included in the policy.
  • Additional discounts* for yearly payments.
  • Easy, personalised management of your policy.
  • You can count on a personal manager who will assess all the needs of your policy.
  • You will have a professionally equipped SME team who will provide you with post-sales help plus a special telephone line for SME to manage your policy.  Apart from this, during the following year after contracting the policy, we will maintain the premium adding only IPC.


New Cover:

Sanitas Pro-SME offers even more options which you can include in your health insurance cover for your company:

  • Medication cover: Medication prescribed by a Sanitas doctor will be reimbursed up to the limit specified in the policy schedule.
  • Loss of employment cover**: this guarantees the protection of payments should the policyholder lose his job.
  • Dental cover: with this cover you can access the Sanitas network of dentists.  There is a wide choice throughout Spain to meet your dentistry needs, where you can freely choose your dentist, safe in the knowledge that you will receive excellent service.


Benefits for the company

The easy management of your policy will not involve any increase in administration for your company, and apart from this, your company will benefit from the following.

  • Tax and economic benefits (if the policyholder is the “company”)
  • Amounts paid to the social security will not rise
  • You can deduct 100% of the contract as a social expense in your “declaration de la renta” (tax declaration)
  • Helping you with your staff:  when negotiating salaries, offering a health insurance plan to your employees can prove economically beneficial.
  • Control of absenteeism from work: as the employee will not have to wait in long queues, the absenteeism will be less.
  • Company health insurance gives a good and competent impression not only to the employees but to competitive companies.

Benefits for the employees

The first €500 destined to pay for medical insurance does not have to be included in the tax declaration.  Therefore, the payment that the employee receives is of a larger amount, as it is not subject to tax.

  • Encourages conciliation: this new benefit has advantages in all aspects of the employee´s life, enabling them to include all their family members in the policy
  • They will have access to the best hospitals and medical centres in Spain

*% discounts apply depending on the type of contract.
**As long as the unemployment occurs after the signing of the contract and during the period that it is up and running.

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